Life without limit, Love without fear

Life without limit, Love without fear


This year, it was our honor to live-stream Fujiko Signs, a Christian Science healer and international speaker on prayer and spirituality. During her online talk, “Life without limit, Love without fear,” Fujiko explains how prayer to God — based on universal spiritual truths — results in healing and progress in individual lives.

Pray for Our World

Pray for Our World

Part of our mission is to pray for the world, and it is clear from the newspaper headlines that this prayerful work is greatly needed. Recently, as a church body, we have been metaphysically addressing the problem of terrorism. This means that we have been praying about this problem as we study the Christian Science Weekly Bible Lessons, the writings of the Discover and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, and a wide array of periodicals from the Christian Science Publishing Society.